Friday, June 21, 2013

Sorry I went MIA......

I promise to be a better blogger. I've been busy getting my oldest son through his senior year of high school and ready for college. I have 6 kids and a busy lil life! 

I've also been busy getting my little business underway. I won't share links here because I only cater to close friends for the time being. I stay plenty busy with my circle of friends and creating fun fashions for those around me! 

Today I'll share some buys on a recent shopping trip for my baby girl! I'll start a new post for it later. 

Here is a current pic of you know what I look 
Just excuse the watermark.....lately a lot of bloggers have been having their pictures stolen and people are editing them and passing them off as their own. This is protect identity! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Feel Pretty

I saw the movie/musical West Side Story when I was 11 in music class in the 6th grade.

I dreamed of being Maria. I'm a romantic at heart. The story is a Romeo & Juliet type of plot. Young lovers forbidden to be together.
Here is a quick read up of the plot and cast from the film West Side Story on wikipedia.

I am mainly here to talk about the the scene in the bridal shop when Maria dances and sings I Feel Pretty. I was mesmerized by everything in the entire scene. Maria's happiness, the set, the song, the dance and the love in her heart. I wanted to be Maria. I still love Natalie Woods portrayal of Maria. I'm still that young girl at heart. I love that feeling......that it's okay to be dreamy and to sing and to feel pretty.

Yes.....all of us......all of us Girls/Women should feel pretty and feel free enough that we can delight in our own unique beauty.

No we don't have to prance around in a dress shop among fabric and tulle. It could just be the few moments when we look at ourselves in the mirror before we head out the door. You know that quick glance we give ourselves. Making sure our hair looks great and we are putting our best face forward whether it is with or with out make-up. We need that reassuring glimpse in the mirror to give us that extra boost of confidence that we look good so that we can carry ourselves through the rest of the day and really feel good about our appearance.

YES....I FEEL PRETTY.....Thank You West Side Story. Thank you Maria.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Introducing My Newest Feature...Mini Glam

This is where I will be discussing fashion for the little girl in my life. I will talk about where we real life and online to buy her clothing, shoes and accessories. I will also share facebook pages and links to other blogs that inspire me as well. 
This is my Beauty Queen....Miss AlexaRaye.
I seriously HEART her!!!!

We bought this cute little dress at Target. I love how sweet, simple and girly it is. Her hair just now got long enough for pigtails. She is 16 months old. 

Thanks for stopping by. I know I am just now really starting to do something more with this blog. AlexaRaye is such an inspiration to me. She is my first and only daughter. I prayed hard for her. She is the youngest member of our family with 5 older brothers. I lived and longed for the day that I could shop for a little girl and I am having so much fun with her!

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Authentic Coach Purse

I love this much.

I take extra good care of it....and I'm nearly paranoid about keeping it clean and guard it extra carefully when I go places.

I don't carry it for everyday purposes. Especially when I know I'll be someplace that it might get dirty or something...LOL ♥

The day I went to go buy it I was so excited!

I bought it at Dillards at the Promenade Mall in Tulsa, OK. I bought it on sale and it was the only one in their selection of purses on display that day that I really liked.

I had in mind that I wanted to get a white or silver one....but they didn't have the style I wanted. So I opted for a neutral color so that I could carry it with most of my wardrobe. And at the price it was on sale for I snatched it up with out going to other stores to look!

I've been quite satisfied with it. And do plan to purchase more in the future.

I do ask myself why some of us women are willing to spend so much money on a goofy ol' purse! I just wanted to say that I owned the 'real deal'.....And in the real world....I think somewhere (being honest) I wanted to leave an impression of being able to buy one! Yes, in some ways I like to impress people...I would be lying if I said I did not want to.

Growing up, my family did not have money and I did not always get to have all the designer clothing and shoes that a lot of girls did....and I think in someways I'm making up for that for myself now that I'm older and can afford to buy stuff. are some photo's of my 'real' Coach purse! It is the Peyton Signature Sateen Tote.

   Here is a close up of the logo on the shopping bag that it came in!

A photo of the purse inside the dust bag ♥

Here is the purse! ♥

The Shopping bag and the Dust Bag ♥

The sales tag ♥

A close up of the leather tag/logo attached to the purse ♥

A close up of some of the hardware on the purse ♥

And of course last but not least...The sales reciept!

Friday, November 26, 2010

What Girl Does Not Love Purses?

I love purses!
I love purses!
I looooooooove purses! ♥

I own a variety of styles, brands and colors. I'm not a purse snob. I don't have to have all designer brand purses. The only designer one I own is an Authentic Coach Purse. I just want my purse/purses to look AWESOME!

I do ashamedly own a knock-off Coach purse. That I can't believe I spent $80.00 on!!! I'm embarrassed to admit that now, but honestly at the time I didn't know any better. I just thought I was getting a really sweet deal!...I refuse to carry it now and I only use it as a makeup bag when I travel! I also own a knock-off Louis Vuitton...That I paid $100.00 for!!!...Again I did not know it was a fake when I bought it! I don't carry it anymore either. It just sits in my closet and I look at it sometimes...wishing it were real!

In my world...I trust most people (not strangers) when they sell me something. I bought both knock-off's from friends of mine. I just didn't know that there were a such thing as 'knock-off's' when I bought each 'fake' purse...which were both brand new! I just assumed if someone can sell a purse with a logo on must be the real deal right?...Boy was I wrong!!!

I indeed learned a harsh lesson. I have now learned how to spot a fake Coach purse and how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton as well! I'll post a seperate blog with a tutorial on how to spot fakes and real deals!

But my real Authentic Coach Purse cost me just slightly over $200.00. I bought it at Dillard's. It gets treated like gold! LOL

When my husband thought he needed a new boat, even though we already owned one...I immediately saw an opportunity to snag me a very nice expensive purse. I bargained with him: If he gets a new boat then I get a new purse...a "REAL" designer one! He wanted his boat pretty badly, so he readily agreed...I was quite satisfied! *smiling  happily*

I will share pictures of my 'knock off's at a later well as pictures of my Authentic Coach purse.

But today with the 2010 Holiday Shopping Season beginning officially and while all the mad dashers are flooding the stores I opted to miss the crowds and stay home!

The first thing I can think of when it comes to gift getting...(don't mean to sound greedy) but when asked by my husband, "What do you want dear?"...I usually reply, "A purse or money to buy jewelry or clothes"

But a great looking purse or lack thereof is one of the things that can make or break a fahionista's entire appearance! As I wrote earlier not all of my purses have to be designer ones. I like for them to 'appeal to the eye'. If they seem catchy to me I'm sure they will gain attention from other people as well. I think fashion is all about feeling good about your appearance and hoping you look awesome as well! And a great purse is a fashion statement!


Right now I am currently fascinated with with Clippy London Totes and accessories.

Here is the link

They have a variety of bags and totes and makeup clutches and pencil cases that I think anyone would love!

I am obsessed with their Cover Girl accessories. These totes and clutches are really inexpensive, which makes them too irresistable not to purchase!!!

I love them because you can slide the current cover of your favorite magazine into the little narrow pocket on them and ta-da!!! You have a whole new look....I'm a big magazine reader. I subscribe to Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Allure, Lucky, Vogue, US Weekly and People Style Watch! So this is a huge plus for me!

I love the celebrity feature on the cover of a magazine.

These Totes and Accessories are the first thing on my 'Wish List for Christmas this year!'.

                   The Cover Girl Tote with a black handle

The Cover Girl Tote with the Pink handle
with the Cover Girl Makeup Clutch.

The Cover Girl Makeup Clutch.

The Cover Girl Pencil Case.

I hope you fall in love with them like I did! ♥